I joined a CrossFit gym ("box") several months ago, and mostly it has been hilarious and awesome. If I go to the 6 am class, I can allllmost make it to morning treatments on time without racing to the vet school like a maniac.
What is CrossFit, you ask?
It's kind of like someone set out to design a training camp for zombie warriors. There are monkey bars, climbing ropes, rings, giant boxes you jump on, and absurdly large tractor tires. Also, I'm fairly sure a CrossFit designer once said, "Hey, let's figure out the most awkward movement a person can do with this barbell."
The 6 am class consists of a group of sleepy/overly chipper people doing a prescribed set of exercises (called the WOD, or Workout Of the Day) either:
1) as fast as possible, or
2) as many times as possible within a set time limit.
It's pretty great. It's keeping me sane(r), and making me stronger.